How to display recommendations in Magento 2?

To display the recommendations on the following pages

  • Product pages
  • Category pages
  • Search result pages
  • Cart
  • Checkout success page
  • 404 page

use the following CSS selectors

.catalog-product-view .column.main
.catalog-category-view .column.main
.catalogsearch-result-index .column.main
.checkout-cart-index .column.main
.checkout-onepage-success .column.main
.cms-noroute-index .column.main

Add the CSS selectors to your domain in the Recolize Tool under Domains > Edit > Configuration > Please enter the CSS selectors for your page.

How can I create the product feed manually in Magento 2?

The product feed is generated automatically by our Magento 2 extension via the standard Magento cron.

In case you want to trigger the product feed generation manually, you can execute the following command in the directory of your Magento installation

bin/magento recolize:feed:generate

If you only want to create the product feed for a certain store, you can use the following command:

bin/magento recolize:feed:generate 
Magento 2