How can I create the product feed export manually in Magento admin?

The product feed in Magento can be generated manually by executing the Dataflow profile:

  1. In the Magento backend go to System > Import/Export > DataFlow – Advanced Profiles and choose the appropriate Recolize Feed profile. Then click on the profile (all Recolize profiles start with “Recolize: ” in the name) and in the left tab “Start Profile” click on “Run Profile in Popup”.
  2. In the Recolize-Tool choose the appropriate domain und save it again to initiate the import.

If the Magento cron job is running correctly the Recolize Feed is generated daily and imported into Recolize.

If the problem persists it has to be checked if the PHP memory limit and maximum execution time is sufficent and increase the appropriate values accordingly (PHP setting memory_limit and max_execution_time).

Magento shows “Service Temporarily Unavailable” after extension installation via Magento Marketplace

If you install our Recolize Magento Extension via the Magento Marketplace downloader in the Magento backend you may experience an issue that your site shows an error message like “Service Temporarily Unavailable”.

This is not specific to our Magento extension and may occur with any extension installation. The reason is that you can opt in to set Magento into a maintenance mode during extension installation. Unfortunately there may be cases where this maintenance mode is not quit correctly after the extension installation has been completed.

To solve this issue just go to your Magento root directory and delete the file maintenance.flag. Then your shop is accessible again.

Where do I find the Recolize feed URL in Magento?

Navigate in Magento Admin to
System > Configuration > Recolize Recommendation Engine > Recolize Product Feed Settings.

Here you find a feed url for every Magento store view. Please create a separate Recolize domain for every store in Magento in the Recolize tool under

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