The product feed in Magento can be generated manually by executing the Dataflow profile:

  1. In the Magento backend go to System > Import/Export > DataFlow – Advanced Profiles and choose the appropriate Recolize Feed profile. Then click on the profile (all Recolize profiles start with “Recolize: ” in the name) and in the left tab “Start Profile” click on “Run Profile in Popup”.
  2. In the Recolize-Tool choose the appropriate domain und save it again to initiate the import.

If the Magento cron job is running correctly the Recolize Feed is generated daily and imported into Recolize.

If the problem persists it has to be checked if the PHP memory limit and maximum execution time is sufficent and increase the appropriate values accordingly (PHP setting memory_limit and max_execution_time).

How can I create the product feed export manually in Magento admin?