With our new version 7.0.0 – released on 2020-11-11 – we have completely refreshed the look’n’feel of our Recolize Tool. Originally being developed in 2015 it was more than time to update the design, fonts, navigation, cookie consent and loading behaviour and there is more to come within the next releases.
We’re keen to know how do you like the refresh? Take a look and send us your feedback!
7.0.0: A Refreshed Look for our Tool
With our latest update to version 6.3.0 we have made our Shopify application compatible with the latest Shopify API changes, fixed an issue with the “Current Category” filter and most importantly optimized the workflow for welcoming our new customers.
6.3.0: Improved Workflow for New Users
With our latest release we further optimized the loading effect of our recommendation carousel to avoid any flickering, removed the need for an external css style sheet resource and drastically improved the performance of the All Item data pool with lots of products.
In addition we fixed an issue with multiple recommendation widgets in email recommendations redirecting to home instead of product detail page as well as an issue with certain product attributes in combination with the filter “is one of”.
6.1.0: Many small improvements
This release sets the base for providing you outstanding new features for every online shop like cookie consent, product labels, USP bars and much more that you should not miss.
Contact us if you want to use one of these!
Additionally we fixed an issue with our Shopify integration.
6.0.0: Genius Features for Your Online Shop
New Year, new Release! With our brand-new version 5.6.0 we provide you with more flexibility to customize the layout of the email recommendations. You can now show any content or attribute from your article feed in your newsletters.
5.6.0: More Flexibility for Email Recommendations
Our release frequency in December is at its peak 🙂 With our latest version 5.5.0 we have shipped several improvements to our almighty filters. Next to several bug fixes you have now the 3 additional operators
- not contains
- is not one of
- not contains one of
This gives you even more flexibility by choosing the right products for the right people.
5.5.0: New Filter Features
With our fresh release 5.4.0 it is now possible to configure the number of maximum recommended items per each recommendation configuration which allows for greater flexibility e.g. for showing simple recommendation lists.
5.4.0: Choose number of recommended items
This brand-new release brings you two useful enhancements for the recommendation configuration in the Recolize Tool:
On the one hand the recommendation list got a major upgrade so you can now sort, filter, search and paginate the configurations easily. Additionally also the data pool is displayed directly in the list.
On the other hand there is a new field on the recommendation configuration called “internal label” that you can use to distinguish different recommendation configurations, e.g. for 2 rules with the same title or just to add some useful information for your colleagues. This field cannot be seen by the end user of the recommendations and is only for display within the Recolize Tool.
5.3.0: Configuration made easier
With a new introduced configuration it is now easily possible to configure individually per each carousel, if articles in multiple recommendation widgets on the same page may be recommended twice or if every product can only occur once on each page.
5.2.0: New configuration to exclude product doubling
Custom attributes in your article feed can now use also the comparison operators >, >=, <, <= to allow for more flexible filter rules.
4.10.0: More filter operators for your custom feed attributes