For generating personalized recommendations Recolize creates pseudonymous user profiles, which exclusively can be connected to an end user with a correspondent cookie on the system of the end user and are only usable on your own website respectively your own domain. This cookie contains a randomly generated user id and can be deactivated with the Recolize Opt-out by the website visitor. Please add a correspondent advise to your privacy policy.
Recolize Recommendations also work with active Opt-out without any issues. Then non-personalized products are delivered, that is only product-based cross sells and best sellers, which increase the conversion rate of your website.
To integrate the Recolize Opt-out, you just have to add the following link to your privacy policy. This link is working completely automatically and displays the appropriate text depending on the current Recolize Opt-out status of the website visitor:
<a class="recolizeOptOut" href="#" onclick="return false;" data-activate-opt-out-text="Activate Opt-out" data-deactivate-opt-out-text="Deactivate Opt-out"></a>
Please replace the colored text parts with your individual texts if you want to. The text will automatically switch:
- “Activate Opt-out”: this text will be displayed if the Recolize Opt-out is not active. With clicking on the link, the Recolize Opt-out will be activated and the link text will switch to “Deactivate Opt-out”.
- “Deactivate Opt-out”: this text will be displayed if the Recolize Opt-out is already active. With clicking on the link, the Recolize Opt-out will be deactivated and the link text will switch to “Activate Opt-out”.