Can I use Recolize in my development, test and staging environments?

This is no problem at all. You can add as many development, test and staging environments as you need to. Completely for free.

Just add additional domains in the Recolize Tool under “Domains”.

If you have a publicly reachable product feed for you development environment, then add it to your new domain. If not, no problem at all: enter the domain of your local development environment as feed url. We will import a demo feed then and you can completely integrate Recolize by using the demo products.

And if your test- and staging systems are password protected, then check out this FAQ. It explains, how to add a password protected feed url to your domain.

And the best: configure your recommendation rules beginning with the URL placeholder “*/”. Then the rules will also match for all your development, test and staging environments, you don’t have to configure these rules multiple times and you can really test the rules equally in all environments.

Can I use Recolize in my development, test and staging environments?
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How to use Context Filters to improve fashion recommendations for the chosen size of the user (or any other attribute)?

A common problem for product recommendations e.g. in the fashion market is to filter the recommendation carousels for the size of the user.

Given that we have a shoe online shop and the user is able to specify his shoe size in his account settings, we can use the following steps to filter the recommendations for that specified shoe size:

  • Save the user shoe size either in the session, browser cookie or browser local storage and define the appropriate Recolize parameters via JavaScript on every page before the general Recolize JavaScript snippet is defined:
var RecolizeParameters = RecolizeParameters || {};
RecolizeParameters.Context = RecolizeParameters.Context = {};
RecolizeParameters.Context.CurrentUser = RecolizeParameters.Context.CurrentUser || {};
RecolizeParameters.Context.CurrentUser.available_sizes = '#### PUT THE COMMA-SEPARATED LIST OF CHOSEN USER SHOE SIZES HERE ####';
  • Assure that in your Recolize product feed you provide the information of the shoe size either as a specific value (e.g. size = 36) or as a list of comma-separated values (e.g. size = 34,36,38). For now we assume that you have an additional column called “available_sizes” in your feed that contains a comma-separated list of shoe sizes that are available for the shoe.
  • Now go to the Recolize Tool and define a new Recommendation configuration with the following filter combination:

The interesting part here is the %CurrentUser.available_sizes% variable that gets filled with the chosen shoe sizes of the user.

The cool thing is basically you can define any attribute that you like, i.e. the whole JavaScript array below RecolizeParameters.Context is available in the filter of the recommendation configuration.

How to use Context Filters to improve fashion recommendations for the chosen size of the user (or any other attribute)?
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What are useful CSS selectors for positioning the Recolize recommendation widgets?

Recolize uses CSS selectors to control the positions of the Recolize recommendation widgets. The selectors can be configured in the Recolize tool.

A full list of available selectors can be found here. Below we have highlighted some useful ones.

Selector Description
p:contains(‘Your cart is empty’) Recommendation Widgets are added right after the text “Your cart is empty”.

What are useful CSS selectors for positioning the Recolize recommendation widgets?
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Is it possible to change the HTML structure of the Recolize Carousel

We have made extensive research and evaluated user feedback on what is the best format and style of the product recommendations. And the result was our product carousel that you get with Recolize out-of-the-box. So for the huge majority of cases we recommend our customers to use this carousel and the presented elements as it is.

In most of the cases it is not necessary to change the structure of the Recolize Carousel HTML. You can use the CSS pseudo classes ::before or ::after to nearly do anything you want without changing the structure.

Therefore we do not recommend to change the HTML structure.

If you really still want to change the structure, you can do this in our success callback:

var RecolizeParameters = RecolizeParameters || {};
RecolizeParameters.Api = RecolizeParameters.Api || {};
RecolizeParameters.Api.successCallback = function(resultObject) {
    for (var widgetPosition in resultObject.widgets) {
        // add your structure changes here in resultObject.widgets[widgetPosition].content[0] 

Is it possible to change the HTML structure of the Recolize Carousel
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How to import a feed from a password protected url?

If you are e.g. using a development, testing or staging environment you may have a password protected website. In this case you have to enter the access credentials in the Recolize Tool for us being able to access your article feed url.

On the domain page in the Recolize Tool please use the following url scheme to import a Recolize feed from a password protected url:
How to import a feed from a password protected url?
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How does the Recolize article feed format look like?

Recolize supports several ways to provide us with your product data that we need in order to generate personalized product recommendations.
Next to the Magento feed format, Google product or feeds we have a custom Recolize feed format that you can use.


Format: CSV
Encoding: UTF-8
Important: CSV file may not contain a BOM
Delimiter: semicolon (;)

Mandatory Fields:

  • id
  • name
  • url

Optional Fields:

  • image_url
  • brand
  • categories
  • price
  • special_price
  • price_currency
  • updated_at

Additional Fields:

Next to the mandatory and optional fields you can add as many additional columns to the feed as you want to. All fields will then be available in the Recolize Tool for filtering.


1;"Recolize Testproduct 1";;;Recolize;"Kategorie 1,Kategorie2";1.99;0.99;EUR;"2018-08-01 12:45:21"
How does the Recolize article feed format look like?
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Integration of the Recolize Conversion Tracking


The Recolize conversion tracking is one possibility to track the success of your recommendations. It can e.g. be integrated into the order success page of a shop or be activated in blogs or CMS after a specific visiting time.
If you already use a Recolize standard plugin for e.g. Magento or Shopify the conversion tracking is already integrated and you don’t have to add anything.

Technical Integration


Description: Integration on an order success page of a shop:

orderPositions: contains the order positions.
orderPosition.productId: the product id, which is also used in the Recolize product feed (e.g. also ‘id’ from the Google Merchant Feed)
orderPosition.netSum: net sum of an order position. Also ordered quantity of the order item * net value of the purchased product.


<script type="text/javascript">
var RecolizeParameters = RecolizeParameters || {};
RecolizeParameters['itemAction'] = 'sale';
RecolizeParameters['saleData'] = {};

for (orderPosition in orderPositions) {
RecolizeParameters['saleData'][orderPositions[orderPosition].productId] = RecolizeParameters['saleData'][orderPositions[orderPosition].productId] || 0.00;
RecolizeParameters['saleData'][orderPositions[orderPosition].productId] += parseFloat(orderPositions[orderPosition].netSum);
<script type="text/javascript">
    var RecolizeParameters = RecolizeParameters || {};
    RecolizeParameters['itemAction'] = 'sale';
    RecolizeParameters['saleData'] = {};
    RecolizeParameters['saleData']['SKU-100'] = 199.50;
    RecolizeParameters['saleData']['SKU-222'] = 12.67;


Description: integration on every page of a website which is contained in the Recolize feed. For blogs e.g. every blog article page from the RSS feed.

contentId: ID of the content in the Recolize feed. In RSS feeds of WordPress blogs this is e.g. the non-SEO-optimized URL of a page like
netSum: page value or optional “0” if unknown. With the value 0 on the quantity of conversions is tracked.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var RecolizeParameters = RecolizeParameters || {};
    RecolizeParameters['itemAction'] = 'sale';
    RecolizeParameters['saleData'] = {};
    RecolizeParameters['saleData'][contentId] = netSum;
<script type="text/javascript">
    var RecolizeParameters = RecolizeParameters || {};
    RecolizeParameters['itemAction'] = 'sale';
    RecolizeParameters['saleData'] = {};
    RecolizeParameters['saleData'][''] = 90.99;
Integration of the Recolize Conversion Tracking
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How can I control the look’n’feel of the recommendations via CSS?

Next to the configuration and styling possibities in our Recolize Tool you can further customize the recommendation widgets via plain CSS.

Therefore all elements in our carousels have explicit CSS selectors that you can use to create your own styling.
These CSS styles can be added in your domain configuration in the Recolize Tool.


.recolizePrice {
    font-size: larger;
How can I control the look’n’feel of the recommendations via CSS?
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