Improve the conversion of your search results with Searchanise and Recolize

An outstanding search is by no means self-evident in the e-commerce space. How often does it happen that you cannot find the right products via the shop search because of mistyping the search term or static pages like the FAQs are not searched automatically.
This is exactly the point where Searchanise comes into play and replaces the default Magento and Shopify search algorithms with a completely novel product search.
Searchanise offers mistype correction, a product preview, promotion tools and extensive analytics possibilities. Moreover it is completely free of charge up to 25 products.

The Searchanise Instant Search Widget gets even better with the integration of personalized product recommendations, e.g. based on the entered search term.
The following tutorial shows how easy the Recolize Recommendation Engine can be integrated into the Instant Search Widget of Searchanise, based on the e-commerce software Magento:

1. Installation of the Searchanise Magento extension

The Searchanise Magento extension can easily be installed on Magento Connect or via the Magento extension key

2. Integration of the recommendations

Afterwards open the Searchanise tool in the Magento backend under Catalog » Searchanise. There the following code has to be added under the menu point Catalog » Searchanise » Instant search widget » Custom HTML:

<div class="recolizeSearchaniseInstantSearchWidget"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof Recolize != "undefined") {

Searchanise Recolize Code

Afterwards click on the “Apply Changes” button.

3. Et voilà!

Now the Recolize recommendations are already integrated into the Instant Search Widget:
Searchanise Instant Search Widget with Recolize

We will show you all the benefits you have as a merchant with the integration of both services in the next blog post.

Improve the conversion of your search results with Searchanise and Recolize