7 Reasons to Adapt Your Personalization Rules

In our post “Adaption of Personalization Rules – Pros and Cons” we‘ve mentioned the general pros and cons of adapting personalization rules. Our general recommendation is to let your personalization solution like Recolize do its job and use the personalized algorithms to suggest your products. But we totally understand, that there are occasions when an adaption is absolutely reasonable and needed. Here are 7 reasons to adapt your personalization rules.

7 Reasons to Adapt Your Personalization Rules
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5 Types of Transactional Emails With Recommendations

In our last blog post we‘ve described 5 advantages of recommendations in transactional emails. In this one we give you 5 concrete examples of types of transactional emails where recommendations make sense.

5 Types of Transactional Emails With Recommendations
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5 Advantages of Recommendations in Transactional Emails

Offering personalized recommendations in emails can be a great way to guide your customers back to your website. Many online shops are using this method to attract their customers after a purchase. And also at other contact points.

Find out 5 advantages of offering personalized recommendations in transactional emails.

5 Advantages of Recommendations in Transactional Emails
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How Personalization Will Look Like in 2025?

Personalization techniques are trending these days and experts predict, that businesses will increase their profit by up to 15 % in a few years with the help of smart personalization. So let us take a short, highly subjective look into the near future of how personalization will look like in 2025.

How Personalization Will Look Like in 2025?
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How To Save $$$ on Advertising With Automated Personalization – PrestaShop Guest Article

We’ve published a guest article in the blog of our partner PrestaShop.

The topic is “How To Save $$$ on Advertising With Automated Personalization?” and you can find the article here.

How To Save $$$ on Advertising With Automated Personalization – PrestaShop Guest Article
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The Difference Between Recommendations and Personalization

In lots of articles on the web about recommendation engines the terms Personalization and Recommendations are used equivalent whereas they are definitely not.
This blog post will shed some light on the difference between recommendations and personalization and how to distinguish both.

The Difference Between Recommendations and Personalization
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The Power of Real Individual Recommendations

Many e-commerce, blog and CMS systems offer so-called recommendations. These recommendations for systems like Magento, Shopware, WooCommerce, WordPress, PrestaShop or Spryker are manual recommendations.

You can e.g. use category based recommendations or simple upselling logics for your cart.

But are manual recommendations enough and can they really be compared to real automated and personalized recommendations? Not at all!

The Power of Real Individual Recommendations
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7 Recommendation Positions You‘ve Never Thought Of Before

Did you ever have the time to really think about personalization on your website? We all have much too less time. But personalization is so extremely important, you should really do so!

With this article we help you to find 7 recommendation positions for personalized content you didn’t even recognize before.

7 Recommendation Positions You‘ve Never Thought Of Before
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3 Steps On the Way to the Perfect Title for Recommendations

Are you also bored by standard Amazon-like personalization titles like „You may also like“? Yes, of course, that’s a standard recommendation title everyone expects in online shops, but maybe a non-standard title is more surprising and will attract more customers?

In the following you’ll get a receipt to find out the perfect recommendation title for exactly your use case.

3 Steps On the Way to the Perfect Title for Recommendations
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