MORE & MORE Optimizes Conversions with Recolize


MORE & MORE offers feminine, modern and stylish fashion in their online shop.

RidersDeal Reference Desktop

RidersDeal Reference Tablet

RidersDeal Reference Mobile

Fashion is a feeling. MORE & MORE concentrates on modern, feminine, uncomplicated fashion for everyday use with an excellent fit and a high wearing comfort.

They use high-quality materials with clear cuts and individual designs to create really special pieces of clothing. These contain fashion highlights, fashionable free time looks and business wear.

MORE & MORE customers are ageless and have attitude. Every woman looks great with their fashion, will always be herself and stylish for every occasion.

With the help of the Recolize, the fashion catalog of MORE & MORE gets enriched with product recommendations from fashion lovers to fashion lovers. Offering personalized recommendations animates their customers to complete their look the way they want to.

We use Recolize to improve our conversion rate and our average order value. Especially the super-easy and fast integration and the premium support Recolize offers for free make this solution a perfect fit for us.

Bernd Möller (CTO)

Cost Revenue Ratio (CRR)


Recolize conversions per day


Return On Invest (ROI)

Used Features

  • Cart Personalization

    Personalized recommendations in the cart as perfect upselling position.

  • Mini Cart Personalization

    When the customers add a product to the cart, the recommendations are directly offered in the mini cart.

  • Personalized Recommendations

    Personlized recommendations on the product detail page, on catalog and search result pages, on error pages and on the checkout success page.

  • Last Viewed Products

    Last viewed products on the product detail pages, on error pages and in the cart help the users to orientate themselves in the online shop.

  • Responsive

    The Recommendations are displayed on all kinds of devices: desktops, tablets and smartphones.

  • Custom Product Feed

    MORE & MORE provides an existing affiliate product feed which is also used for Recolize to save effort.

“Someone who doesn’t believe in visions isn’t a realist”: that’s a central value of MORE & MORE. They strongly focus on their female customers to perfectly fulfill their expectations. MORE & MORE is a lively and desirable German fashion brand for ladies.


MORE & MORE Optimizes Conversions with Recolize
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Design-Grusskarten is Even More Personal with Recolize


Individual Wedding Articles for the Most important Day Of Your Life

RidersDeal Referenz Desktop

RidersDeal Referenz Tablet

RidersDeal Reverenz Mobile

Design-Grusskarten produces and sells individual wedding articles. In small editions and with lots of love they create unique products which make one of the most beautiful days in life even more beautiful. Therefore nearly every product can be individualized and is checked and positioned by hand by an employee after every order. So really high-class articles like fingerprint or guest posters are created.

With Recolize Design-Grusskarten brings their customers even more inspiration, which products could also be interesting for their wedding. The product recommendations by Recolize perfectly complement the customizability of the product portfolio and make the shop even more personal.

Recolize complements our online shop and helps our customers finding their favorite products. This is great for our customers and even greater for our revenue.

Stephanie Härtwig (Owner)



Revenue Share


Recolize Conversions

Used Features

  • Personalized Recommendations

    Personalized recommendations on the product detail page, on catalog, on error pages and on the checkout success page.

  • Cart Personalization

    Personalized recommendations in the cart as perfect upselling position.

  • Responsive

    The recommendations are displayed on all kinds of devices: desktops, tablets and smartphones.

  • 2 Widgets on Product Pages

    2 recommendation widgets perfectly complement product pages: personalized recommendations and last viewed products.

  • Last Viewed Products

    Last viewed products on the product detail pages help the users to orientate themselves in the online shop.

  • Individual Design

    The recommendation widgets are designed to fit perfectly into the CI.

Design-Grusskarten creates beautiful wedding articles with lots of love for details. With their innovative fingerprint and guest posters, every wedding becomes entirely individual. With the manual check of every sold article is guaranteed, that the customers only receive excellent quality and that at the most important day in life everything is really perfekt.
Design-Grusskarten uses Recolize completely for free and Recolize shows, that personalization can also very successfully be used by small online shops. With optimized personalization technologies, which also quickly generate perfect recommendations for little traffic, also small online shops generate considerably more revenue with Recolize.

Design-Grusskarten is Even More Personal with Recolize
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RidersDeal Optimizes Deals with Recolize


Germany’s Huge Rider and Horse Deal Platform

RidersDeal Reference Desktop

RidersDeal Reference Tablet

RidersDeal Reference Mobile

RidersDeal is a huge deal platform for riders and horses. Everyday they offer new deals, but have also a shop with long term products.

RidersDeal was founded in 2013 and is one of the biggest deal platform for riders and horses in Germany. The whole RidersDeal team loves horses and working with and for their passion.

With our Recolize Plug & Play Personalization they improve their conversion rate for their daily deals and long term products. As Recolize is learning extremely fast, also their short term articles are offered personalized every day and Recolize helps to optimally sell every deal.

RidersDeal really profits by the Recolize’s free premium service. They help us wherever we need help and so we could improve the performance of the product recommendations to fit perfectly to our business model.

Katharina Dorn (Business Development IT)

Cost Revenue Ratio (CRR)


Recolize Conversions


Return On Invest (ROI)

Used Features

  • Personalized Recommendations

    Personalized recommendations on the product detail page, on catalog, on error pages and on the checkout success page.

  • Cart Personalization

    Personalized recommendations in the cart as perfect upselling position.

  • Responsive

    The recommendations are displayed on all kinds of devices: desktops, tablets and smartphones.

  • Landing Page Personalization

    Special recommendation rules are created for specific landing pages.

  • Last Viewed Products

    Last viewed products on the product detail pages help the users to orientate themselves in the online shop.

  • Cross-Sells

    Product based recommendations support sellouts for specific product categories.

  • 3 Widgets on Product Pages

    3 recommendation widgets on product pages: personalized recommendations, cross-sells and last viewed products.

  • Custom Product Feed

    They are using our Magento 1 extension, but needed a custom product feed because of their fast changing deals stock.

RidersDeal is one of the leading deal platforms for horsemen in Germany. Their whole team is working hard to offer the best rider and horse deals every day, to ship them in the shortest time possible and to offer the best support on the market. Based in Munich Germany, the team stands for quality and their love to horses.

RidersDeal Optimizes Deals with Recolize
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Resch&Frisch Uses the Recolize Recommendation Engine


Back´s zu Hause – Magento Shop for Fresh Bakery Products in Highest Quality



The family enterprise Resch&Frisch stands for tasty bakery products which are at all times freshly available. Products range from bread to pastries, sweet dishes and confectionery products, and also pizza and snacks. The products are created with love from high quality raw materials which are delivered by 350 Austrian contract farmers.

With the sales channel Back’s Zuhause 170,000 households in Austria and parts of Bavaria are regularly supplied with deep-frozen products. These orders are partially managed by the online shop – over 70,000 orders in 2016.

With the help of the Recolize Recommendation Engine the offering of bakery products in the Magento online shop gets enriched by product recommendations from customers to customers and personal recommendations. Hence the variety of products can be presented in an optimal way.

At Resch&Frisch we profit from the easy handling of the Recolize Recommendation Engine and the high quality of the product recommendations.

Mag. Eva Ertl



Recolize conversions per day


Conversion rate over recommendations

Used Features

  • Cart Personalization

    Personalized recommendations in the mini cart and in the cart as perfect upselling positions.

  • Personalized Recommendations

    Personlized recommendations on the product detail page, on catalog and search result pages, on error pages and on the checkout success page.

  • Last Viewed Products

    Last viewed products on the product detail pages and on error pages help the users to orientate themselves in the online shop.

  • Exclusion of Products

    With various filter rules products get excluded dependent on the season or on marketing activities.

  • Responsive

    The Recommendations are displayed on all kinds of devices: desktops, tablets and smartphones.

  • 3 Recolize Domains

    3 Recolize domains for Austria and Germany

The brand Resch&Frisch became a synonym for fresh bakery products: tasty, fresh pastries, anytime available around the clock, at home, in gastronomy and in their bakery cafés. As Austrian family enterprise they focus on comprehensible, regional raw materials and their love to handcraft.

Resch&Frisch Uses the Recolize Recommendation Engine
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HALLHUBER Counts On Recolize Recommendation Engine


International Magento Enterprise Shop
for Ready-to-wear Articles

iPhone 6

With our customer HALLHUBER we support a very unique fashion company in Germany. For the stylish HALLHUBER online shop based on Magento Enterprise we optimize the conversions and the revenue on the product detail page, on the search page and on the cart page in six countries and four different languages.

Dr. Astrid Jagenberg, Director Marketing & Online Sales of Hallhuber GmbH, forsees huge potential in the online business: “We assume that we can increase our share on the total revenue through constant optimizations of the recommendations significantly.”

Dr. Astrid Jagenberg



Conversion Rate


% Revenue Share


% Revenue Increase

Features in Use

  • Personalized Recommendations

    Personalized Recommendations on the product detail page, on catalog and search result pages, on error pages, in the wishlist, in the cart and on the order success page.

  • Last Viewed Products

    Last viewed products on the product details pages and on error pages help users with the orientation in the online shop.

  • 7 Recolize Domains

    7 different stores in 6 countries and 4 languages.

  • Individual Filter Rules

    Over 60 unique URL based filter rules for the recommendations in the different stores for e.g. the cart and the product detail pages.

  • Fully Responsive

    The recommendations are displayed fully responsive on all devices: desktop, tablets and smartphones.

  • Over 2,5 Million Recommendations Widgets Each Month

    Over 2,5 million individual recommendation widgets are displayed to the HALLHUBER customers each month,

The HALLHUBER GmbH has been founded in 1977 in Munich and is today one of the most well-known vertical fashion companys in Germany. HALLHUBER offers unique Ready-to-Wear Articles as well as shoes and accessories for fashion-enthusiastic women. The design team lead by Susanne Hallhuber has an international network and is creating 25 collections each year with lots of love for the details – oriented by the spirit of the time. The HALLHUBER world consists of 2 brands: HALLHUBER and HALLHUBER DONNA.

HALLHUBER is selling its collections in nine countries exclusively via 312 proprietary stores, concessions and shop in shops (as of the end of July 2016). Furthermore the collections are available in six countries via the HALLHUBER online shop. In trading year 2015 the revenue was 156 million Euro. Since February 2015 HALLHUBER belongs to the fashion and lifestyle corporate group GERRY WEBER International AG based in Halle (Westfalen, Germany).

HALLHUBER Counts On Recolize Recommendation Engine
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